English Conjunction Words List with Examples and Hindi Meaning – Learn Easily!

Conjunctions are essential parts of English grammar that help connect words, phrases, or clauses. They make sentences flow smoothly and improve communication. Whether you’re learning English or teaching someone, understanding conjunctions is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll provide a detailed list of English conjunction words with examples and their Hindi meanings to make learning easier for you.

What are Conjunctions?

Conjunctions are words that join two or more words, phrases, or sentences. They are divided into three main types:

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or)
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions (e.g., because, although, if)
  3. Correlative Conjunctions (e.g., either…or, neither…nor)

Let’s dive into the list of conjunctions with examples and their Hindi meanings.

Here’s a list of common English conjunctions along with their meanings in Hindi and example sentences:

And (और)

Meaning: Used to connect words, phrases, or clauses.
Example: I like tea and coffee.
मुझे चाय और कॉफी पसंद हैं।
But (लेकिन)

Meaning: Used to show contrast between two ideas.
Example: She is tall, but he is short.
वह लंबी है, लेकिन वह छोटा है।
Or (या)

Meaning: Used to offer a choice or alternative.
Example: Do you want tea or coffee?
क्या आप चाय या कॉफी लेना चाहेंगे?
Because (क्योंकि)

Meaning: Used to show reason or cause.
Example: He is happy because he passed the exam.
वह खुश है क्योंकि उसने परीक्षा पास की है।
Although (हालाँकि)

Meaning: Used to introduce a contrast, similar to “but”.
Example: Although it rained, we went out.
हालाँकि बारिश हो रही थी, हम बाहर गए।
If (अगर)

Meaning: Used to show condition.
Example: I will go to the party if I finish my work.
मैं पार्टी में जाऊँगा अगर मेरा काम खत्म हो गया।
So (इसलिए)

Meaning: Used to show purpose or result.
Example: He was tired, so he went to bed.
वह थका हुआ था, इसलिए वह सोने चला गया।
Yet (फिर भी)

Meaning: Used to introduce a contrast or contradiction.
Example: She is young, yet she is very wise.
वह जवान है, फिर भी वह बहुत बुद्धिमान है।
Either…or (या…या)

Meaning: Used to present two alternatives.
Example: Either you study hard, or you will fail.
या तो तुम कठिनाई से पढ़ाई करो, या तुम फेल हो जाओगे।
Neither…nor (न तो…न ही)

Meaning: Used to connect two negative alternatives.
Example: Neither the book nor the pen is on the table.
न तो किताब न ही कलम मेज़ पर है।
As (जैसा)

Meaning: Used to show reason or cause, similar to “because”.
Example: I did it as you told me.
मैंने इसे जैसा तुमने मुझे बताया था वैसा किया।
Until (जब तक)

Meaning: Used to show the time limit of an action.
Example: I will wait until you come.
मैं जब तक तुम नहीं आओगे, इंतजार करूंगा।
While (जबकि)

Meaning: Used to show contrast or duration of time.
Example: He was reading a book while I was cooking.
वह किताब पढ़ रहा था जबकि मैं खाना बना रहा था।
Since (क्योंकि)

Meaning: Used to show time or cause.
Example: She has been crying since morning.
वह सुबह से रो रही है।
Though (हालाँकि)

Meaning: Used to show a contrast between two clauses.
Example: I like him, though he is rude.
मुझे वह पसंद है, हालाँकि वह बुरा है।
For (के लिए)

Meaning: Used to show purpose or reason.
Example: I am going to the store for some milk.
मैं दूध लेने के लिए दुकान जा रहा हूँ।
In case (के मामले में)

Meaning: Used to talk about a possible event or condition.
Example: Take an umbrella in case it rains.
छाता ले लो के मामले में अगर बारिश हो।
These conjunctions help in connecting ideas and creating meaningful sentences. Let me know if you’d like more examples or have other questions!

When (जब)
Meaning: Used to show time or condition.
Example: I will call you when I arrive.
मैं तुम्हें जब मैं पहुँचूँगा, फोन करूंगा।

While (जबकि)
Meaning: Used to indicate two actions happening at the same time or a contrast.
Example: While he was studying, she was watching TV.
जबकि वह पढ़ाई कर रहा था, वह टीवी देख रही थी।

As long as (जब तक)
Meaning: Used to specify the condition or duration of something.
Example: You can go as long as you finish your homework.
तुम जा सकते हो जब तक तुम अपना होमवर्क खत्म कर लो।

As soon as (जितनी जल्दी)
Meaning: Used to indicate something will happen immediately after another event.
Example: I will leave as soon as I finish my work.
मैं जितनी जल्दी अपना काम खत्म करूँगा, निकल जाऊँगा।

Unless (जब तक नहीं)
Meaning: Used to show the condition in which something will not happen.
Example: You won’t pass the exam unless you study.
तुम परीक्षा पास नहीं करोगे जब तक नहीं तुम पढ़ाई करोगे।

After (बाद में)
Meaning: Used to indicate the sequence of actions in time.
Example: We can talk after the meeting.
हम बैठक के बाद बात कर सकते हैं।

Before (पहले)
Meaning: Used to indicate that something happens earlier than another action.
Example: He always goes to the gym before work.
वह हमेशा काम से पहले जिम जाता है।

Both…and (दोनों…और)
Meaning: Used to connect two things that are similar.
Example: Both my brother and my sister are doctors.
दोनों मेरे भाई और बहन डॉक्टर हैं।

Not only…but also (केवल…बल्कि)
Meaning: Used to emphasize that two things are true.
Example: She is not only intelligent but also hardworking.
वह केवल बुद्धिमान नहीं है, बल्कि मेहनती भी है।

Whether…or (चाहे…या)
Meaning: Used to present two possibilities or alternatives.
Example: Whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter.
चाहे तुम जीतो या हारो, कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता।

As if (जैसे कि)
Meaning: Used to show how something seems or appears.
Example: He behaves as if he knows everything.
वह जैसे कि उसे सब कुछ पता हो, वैसा व्यवहार करता है।

As though (जैसे)
Meaning: Similar to “as if,” it expresses a comparison or imaginary situation.
Example: She looks as though she has seen a ghost.
वह जैसे उसने भूत देखा हो, वैसी लग रही है।

In order that (ताकि)
Meaning: Used to show purpose or reason.
Example: I study hard in order that I may pass the exam.
मैं कठिनाई से पढ़ाई करता हूँ ताकि मैं परीक्षा पास कर सकूं।

Because of (के कारण)
Meaning: Used to indicate the reason for something.
Example: The match was canceled because of the rain.
मैच बारिश के कारण रद्द कर दिया गया।

Due to (के कारण)
Meaning: Similar to “because of,” often used in formal contexts.
Example: The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
उड़ान खराब मौसम के कारण देर से हुई।

In case of (के मामले में)
Meaning: Used to refer to an event or situation that might happen.
Example: In case of emergency, call the police.
के मामले में आपातकाल, पुलिस को फोन करें।

As well as (जैसा ही)
Meaning: Used to connect two things of equal importance.
Example: He likes reading as well as writing.
उसे पढ़ना जैसा ही लिखना पसंद है।

Not only…but (केवल…बल्कि)
Meaning: Used to show emphasis or addition of something.
Example: She not only sings well but also plays the guitar.
वह केवल अच्छा गाती है बल्कि गिटार भी बजाती है।

FAQs About Conjunctions

Q1. What are the most common conjunctions in English?
The most common conjunctions are and, but, or, because, if, although, so, and while.

Q2. How do conjunctions improve English?
Conjunctions help you connect ideas, making your sentences more fluent and meaningful.

Q3. Can I use multiple conjunctions in one sentence?
Yes, but make sure the sentence remains clear and easy to understand.


Learning conjunctions is a key step to mastering English grammar. With this English conjunction words list, along with examples and Hindi meanings, you can easily improve your language skills. Start practicing today and see the difference in your communication!


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