1-20: Idioms for Everyday Situations
- Break the ice – पहली बात शुरू करना (To initiate a conversation or start something to relieve tension)
- Bite the bullet – कठोर निर्णय लेना (To do something unpleasant that you’ve been avoiding)
- A piece of cake – बहुत आसान (Something very easy)
- Under the weather – बीमार होना (Feeling sick)
- Hit the nail on the head – बिलकुल सही कहना (To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem)
- Kill two birds with one stone – एक ही काम से दो फायदे लेना (To accomplish two things with one action)
- The ball is in your court – अब फैसला तुम्हारा है (It’s your turn to take action)
- Burn the midnight oil – देर रात तक काम करना (To work late into the night)
- Call it a day – काम खत्म करना (To stop working for the day)
- Easy does it – धीरे-धीरे करना (To do something carefully and without rushing)
- Out of the blue – अचानक (Something happening unexpectedly)
- Cry over spilled milk – बीती बात पर रोना (To be upset about something that cannot be undone)
- Don’t cry wolf – बार-बार झूठ बोलना (To raise a false alarm)
- Hit the sack – सोने जाना (To go to bed)
- Make ends meet – अपने खर्चों को पूरा करना (To manage with limited income)
- In hot water – मुश्किल में होना (In trouble)
- Get cold feet – डर जाना (To become nervous or scared about something)
- Let the cat out of the bag – राज़ खोलना (To reveal a secret unintentionally)
- Cut to the chase – सीधे मुद्दे पर आना (To get to the point)
- Spill the beans – राज़ खोलना (To reveal a secret)
21-40: Idioms for Work & Productivity
- Burning the candle at both ends – बहुत काम करना (Working excessively hard)
- A blessing in disguise – छिपा हुआ फायदा (Something that seems bad at first but is good later)
- On the ball – चौकस होना (To be alert and efficient)
- Put your nose to the grindstone – लगातार मेहनत करना (To work hard for a long period)
- Get the ball rolling – काम शुरू करना (To start something)
- Pull someone’s leg – मजाक करना (To tease or joke with someone)
- Think outside the box – नए तरीके से सोचना (To think creatively or in an unconventional way)
- Burn your bridges – रिश्ते खराब करना (To destroy your chances of going back to something)
- At the eleventh hour – आखिरी वक्त पर (At the last moment)
- In the driver’s seat – नियंत्रण में होना (To be in control of a situation)
- Cut corners – शॉर्टकट लेना (To do something in the easiest or cheapest way)
- Make a long story short – संक्षेप में बताना (To summarize)
- Pull your weight – अपनी जिम्मेदारी निभाना (To do your fair share of work)
- Put the cart before the horse – उल्टा काम करना (To do things in the wrong order)
- Take the bull by the horns – मुश्किल काम का सामना करना (To take charge of a difficult situation)
- Hit the ground running – तुरंत काम में जुट जाना (To start something with great energy and enthusiasm)
- Go the extra mile – अतिरिक्त प्रयास करना (To do more than expected)
- A stitch in time saves nine – समय पर किया गया काम बड़ा नुकसान बचा सकता है (Fixing a problem early to avoid more work later)
- On the same page – एकमत होना (To be in agreement or understanding with others)
- In the pipeline – योजना में होना (Something that is in progress or being planned)
41-60: Idioms for Emotions & Behavior
- Hit the roof – गुस्से में आना (To get very angry)
- Cold as ice – नर्म दिल नहीं होना (To be emotionally distant or unfeeling)
- A heart of gold – दिल का अच्छा होना (To be very kind and good-hearted)
- Keep your chin up – आत्मविश्वास बनाए रखना (To stay positive despite difficulties)
- Under someone’s thumb – किसी के नियंत्रण में होना (To be controlled by someone)
- Cry wolf – बार-बार झूठी चेतावनी देना (To falsely alert people)
- Bite someone’s head off – गुस्से में किसी पर चिल्लाना (To react angrily or shout at someone)
- Keep a straight face – बिना हंसे चेहरा बनाए रखना (To stay serious, not smile)
- A pain in the neck – बहुत परेशान करने वाला (Something or someone that is annoying)
- Jumping for joy – खुशी से उछलना (To be extremely happy)
- Walking on air – खुशी से उड़ते रहना (To feel very happy or excited)
- Get a grip – खुद को संभालना (To regain control of your emotions or behavior)
- The last straw – आखिरी झटका (The final problem or issue in a series that causes someone to lose patience)
- Blow off steam – गुस्सा शांत करना (To release pent-up emotions or stress)
- Go bananas – पागल होना (To go crazy with excitement or anger)
- Cry over spilled milk – बीती बात पर पछताना (To be upset over something that cannot be changed)
- Sweat bullets – घबराना (To be very nervous or anxious)
- In a good mood – खुश होना (Feeling happy)
- Lose your cool – अपना आपा खो देना (To lose control or get angry)
- Face the music – परिणामों का सामना करना (To accept the consequences of your actions)
61-80: Idioms for Relationships & People
- A shoulder to cry on – सहारा देना (Someone who offers comfort during a difficult time)
- Cut someone some slack – थोड़ी छूट देना (To not be too critical or harsh)
- An arm and a leg – बहुत महंगा होना (Something that costs a lot)
- A match made in heaven – बिल्कुल उपयुक्त जोड़ी (A perfect couple or partnership)
- Back to square one – शुरुआत से शुरू करना (To start over after a setback)
- The apple of someone’s eye – किसी की आंखों का तारा होना (Someone who is very special or beloved)
- Bend over backward – किसी के लिए ज्यादा मेहनत करना (To make an extra effort to please someone)
- Throw someone under the bus – किसी को धोखा देना (To betray someone for your own benefit)
- Be on the same wavelength – एक ही सोच रखना (To have the same understanding or opinion)
- Get along like a house on fire – बहुत अच्छे दोस्त बनना (To get along very well)
- Make up with someone – किसी से सुलह करना (To reconcile with someone after a disagreement)
- A friend in need is a friend indeed – सच्चा दोस्त वह है जो मुश्किल वक्त में काम आए (A true friend is someone who helps in tough times)
- Penny for your thoughts – किसी के विचार जानना (Asking someone what they are thinking)
- On thin ice – खतरनाक स्थिति में होना (In a risky or dangerous situation)
- Pull oneself together – खुद को संभालना (To calm down and regain control of yourself)
- Through thick and thin – हर हाल में (In all situations, no matter how hard)
- Get under someone’s skin – किसी को परेशान करना (To irritate or annoy someone)
- Go hand in hand – एक साथ होना (To be closely associated or connected)
- Out of someone’s league – किसी से बेहतर होना (Someone who is too good for you)
- On the rocks – मुश्किलों में होना (In a troubled or difficult situation)
81-100: Idioms for Various Situations
- Put all your eggs in one basket – सभी उम्मीदें एक जगह रखना (To risk everything on one opportunity)
- Get off the hook – मुश्किल से बचना (To escape from a difficult situation)
- Not playing with a full deck – थोड़ा पागल होना (Not mentally sound or rational)
- Add fuel to the fire – आग में घी डालना (To make a bad situation worse)
- Get something off your chest – दिल की बात कहना (To express something that has been bothering you)
- Put your foot in your mouth – गलती से कुछ गलत कहना (To say something inappropriate or embarrassing)
- Under your breath – धीरे से कहना (To speak quietly, usually in a way that others can’t hear)
- The early bird catches the worm – जो जल्दी उठता है उसे फायदा मिलता है (The one who acts first gets the advantage)
- Break a leg – शुभकामनाएं देना (To wish someone good luck, especially before a performance)
- Take it with a grain of salt – कुछ शंका के साथ मानना (To not take something too seriously or literally)
- At the drop of a hat – तुरंत, बिना किसी समय की देरी के (Without any hesitation or delay)
- In the nick of time – ठीक समय पर (Just in time)
- By the book – नियमों के अनुसार (To follow rules or procedures exactly)
- On cloud nine – बहुत खुश होना (To be extremely happy)
- When pigs fly – कभी नहीं (Something that will never happen)
- Steal someone’s thunder – किसी का श्रेय छीनना (To take attention or praise away from someone else)
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush – हाथ में मौजूद चीज़ की कीमत ज्यादा है (It’s better to hold onto something that you already have than to risk it for something uncertain)
- Make a mountain out of a molehill – छोटी समस्या को बड़ा बनाना (To exaggerate a minor problem)
- By the skin of your teeth – मुश्किल से (Barely succeeding or escaping)
- All in the same boat – एक ही स्थिति में होना (To be in the same difficult situation as others)